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Comprehensive Hearing Evaluations

A comprehensive hearing or audiological evaluation requires a referral from your primary care practitioner. It is performed for the purposes of formally diagnosing a hearing loss, and is an essential component in the official diagnosis of a hearing or balance disorder. A detailed report is sent to your referring physician which may include recommendations for medical evaluation based on audiological findings.

Hearing Screenings

A hearing screen is the first step in determining if you have a hearing loss and the extent to which your hearing level has declined. You do not need a referral from your primary care physician for a hearing screen. Just call us to schedule an appointment. Some hearing screens may point to a need for further audiological investigation and recommendation for medical evaluation where needed.

Tinnitus Evaluations

The tinnitus evaluation consists of a comprehensive audiological evaluation, completion of a tinnitus questionnaire, and characterization of your tinnitus in order to determine the best treatment plan for you.

Hearing Aids

Hearing aids may be recommended as a part of your treatment program. We take into consideration the degree of hearing loss, your lifestyle and your budget. There are different styles of hearing aids available to accommodate your hearing loss, vision and dexterity concerns, and cosmetic preferences. We offer financing options. Click on this tab to find out more about hearing aid styles and financing options  

Tinnitus Management

Reduce the annoyance related to tinnitus! Hearing aids can significantly reduce one's perception of tinnitus. In some cases, the tinnitus results from the brain creating a superficial sound based on certain frequencies it is 'missing'. Certain hearing aids also have built-in tinnitus maskers to further reduce the annoyance and stress tinnitus can cause.

Canalith Repositioning

Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is the most common cause of vertigo, a false sensation of spinning. It is a problem within the inner ear that occurs when some of the calcium carbonate crystals (otoconia) within the inner ear become dislodged and migrate into one or more of the fluid-filled semicircular canals. These particles interfere with normal fluid movement and send false signals to the brain, creating the sensation of vertigo. Once we determine which variant of BPPV it is, we perform the appropriate maneuver to treat the problem, provided it has been determined during a thorough case history that it is safe to do so. 

Aural Rehabilitation

Schedule your appointment to join our Living With Hearing Loss workshop! This program is an integral part of your hearing health care designed to equip you with effective strategies to overcome hearing challenges in your daily life! We highly encourage you to bring a family member or close friend with you. Free hearing screenings and complimentary hearing aid cleanings are available to participants who are new to our practice!

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